Moskowitz Prize Virtual Discussion: Four Facts About ESG Beliefs and Investor Portfolios

May 16, 2024 by Charlie Bingham


Co-author Zhenhao (Joe) Tan will give an overview of the findings presented in this 2023 Moskowitz Prize Honorable Mention paper. He will discuss four key facts about retail investor expectations, motivations and considerations for their ESG investments. In this paper, the authors used a large-scale survey and anonymized study of Vanguard investors and their portfolio holdings to answer questions about why retail investors buy ESG assets, what returns they expect those assets to have as well as what roles financial and non-financial considerations play. This event will include a 30-minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A and will be moderated by Meeta Kothare, Professor of Practice in the McCombs School of Business and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.

When: Thursday May 16, 2024, 10:00 AM CDT

Be sure to read the research brief ahead of the event and come prepared to discuss

Register for the Talk Here

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