Consortium Members Now Represent over 55 Universities in 15 Countries

May 21, 2019 by Devin Rapson

As the field of impact and sustainable finance becomes more global and more intergrated into educational institutions, the number of faculty teaching courses on the topic has grown.

The consortium membership now represents over 55 universities in 15 countries. Newer members hail from universities such as Universidad EAFIT, Colombia; University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro; Regent's University London; Concordia University, Montreal; and University of Zurich.

The upcoming convening in at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL will be the most global gathering of consortium faculty to date.

Achieving diversity and broad global representation in the facutly teaching impact and sustainable finance is essential to the future development of the field, and is a core plank in the capacity building goals pursued by the consortium.

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